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Mia Story Art.

As I completed graduate school in art, I realized I did not have the social skills to be a successful artist. This changed after I realized I was transgender. The veil was lifted and I was much happier. And I could engage people in a positive manor. At the same time my plastic painting achieved the effects I was hoping for. I had already learned to paint on my computer quite effectively, but visualizing on canvas was problematic. 


A huge influence was socializing at coffee houses in our town. We have more than five! I had tried to draw and write in them before but now my mind moved my hand and I created well. 


Also, as I transitioned, my spiritual life changed. Hawaiian knowledge dictated I construct a sailboat. I did from scratch. It took me seven years. In doing this I learned techniques that I am translating to sculpture.


Oddly now i feel I have painting down it seems I am more comfortable with sculpture.

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